1-What is Selenium Webdriver,Selenium RC and Selenium IDE and what is difference between all?
2- What is Selenium 2 and Selenium 1
3-What is Selenium Grid and How it work and what is advantage ?
4-What is the different locators in Selenium?
5-Diff between findElement() and findElements()?
6-Different ways to write Xpath and Css and main diff between xpath and Css?
7-Difference between Absolute path & Relative path?
8-What is the difference between driver.Close() and driver.Quit () method?
2- What is Selenium 2 and Selenium 1
3-What is Selenium Grid and How it work and what is advantage ?
4-What is the different locators in Selenium?
5-Diff between findElement() and findElements()?
6-Different ways to write Xpath and Css and main diff between xpath and Css?
7-Difference between Absolute path & Relative path?
8-What is the difference between driver.Close() and driver.Quit () method?
9- How to handle multiple windows in Selenium ?
10- What is Object Repository in Selenium and how it works?
11- Explain the frameworks ? Data Driver,Keyword, Hybrid
12- What is POM (Page Object Model and how it works) and Explain Page factory
13- Some Common question Like- Handle Alert,frames,confirmation box,all web element
14- What is JavascriptExecutor why we used in Webdriver and where we can use
15- How to take Screenshots
16- How do you create html test report from your test script
17-How to validate error messages
18- What is assertion and type of annotation and difference between all
19-Be ready with all basic scenario
Login for Gmail scenario
· Goggle search and finding no of results
· Downloading a file and save it
· Checking mails and deleting them
· Do shopping in flipkart.com
20- What is Jexcel and Apache POI and diffrence
21-Write down scenarios which we can't automate
22- Challenges which you faced while doing automation ?
23-What is actions class
24- What is robot class and why we used in Selenium
25- What is firefox profiles and why it is used
26-How to check whether application internationalisation through web driver?
27-What is the difference between "GET" and "NAVIGATE" to open a web page in selenium
web driver?
28- Difference between QTP,Sahi,Selenium,SilkTest etc
29- Main Diff between QTP and Selenium
30- Prepare all webelement activity basic and advance like auto suggestion ,auto complete etc.
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